If you uploaded individual audio files through our website (MP3, WAV, etc) for your Audio CD Project, you can review the track sequence, CD-Text and even the ISRC codes you specified when setting up your order.
NOTE: If you uploaded your audio using our Master Uploader App, a completed DDP disc image, or will be mailing in your content this information may not be available.
- Log into your account at https://duplication.cdbaby.com/MyAccount or click the 'Account' icon at the top right of any of our webpages.
- Find the project you would like more information on and click the 'View Project Details' link.
- If available, you will find a 'Show Tracks & ISRC codes' link. Click it to display your info.
- Here you will find the file name you uploaded for each track, the CD-Text you specified for each track as well as any ISRC Code information you provided.
NOTE: These are the ISRC codes provided to us when your tracks were uploaded.
If these fields are blank you did not provide us with ISRC codes, but we will be assigning them for you (included with every order). We will post the ISRC codes assigned to your tracks within a few days of your order starting production.