Note: Select only one submission method for all of your files
Upload Finished Artwork (PDFs)
If your design is fully complete, in our most current design templates ready for press, you can upload a high-resolution PDF. You will simply need to export your PDFs using the PDF/X-4 preset available in every current, professional layout application. Not sure how? Learn how to work with our templates and export a PDF. -
If someone else (other than us) is designing your artwork, choose this option. You can give your designer your log in information to upload for you or you can ask them to give you the PDF’s to upload yourself. (You can change your log in password immediately after to secure your account again).
Design Online (Not available for some projects) You can upload jpeg, png or pdf files using this submission method
If you do not currently have access to a professional design program, or a professional designer, but would like to use specific text and images on your Artwork, our self service Online Designer allows you to do so. The Online Designer automatically creates a PDF of your design file once you have generated an online proof..
Advanced Graphic Services (Select this option to upload native files)
Having trouble inserting your images into our templates or trouble making print-ready PDFs? We can help! Our Advanced Graphics Team will place your finished artwork into our templates for only $39.00. (Digital proof provided after order is placed.) May add up to 3 days for proof delivery and approval.
This is not graphic design services. If you need to layout text or integrate text and images, you should edit your project to include this option.
Upload Native Files (.indd, .qxd, .jpg, .tiff, etc.)
If you are unable to create PDFs from your existing art files, you may upload finished artwork in native files using our design templates (available on the next page). Please be sure to upload ALL templates, fonts and images associated with your project artwork to ensure accuracy and a fast turn-time.